
Thursday 22 November 2018

My Tessellation Art

This is my tessellation art.

-So first I went into this website -

-And then you click on one of the coloring pages.

-Then you can color it in! 

Monday 19 November 2018

Two Truth's And One Lie

1. Do I read after school every day ? 

2.  Did I speak on the radio when I was 3 ?

3. Was my Dad a professional bike rider ?

4. (this one is a  bonus question) Was I on T.V. once when I was 7 ?

Would You Rather

Would you rather have a Cat or a Dog?

Questions For David Walliams

Is it tiring making a lot of books?

How many people write with you?

When did you want to write books?

What's your favourite book you have written already?

How did you think of you book ideas?

Two Types Of People

Are you a Kitten person or a Puppy person?

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Macro Close Up Photos

This is my Macro photograph.
So we had to take close up photos and send them to you on gmail and then download them in to you drive finally you get them out of your drive and put them on your blog.

Sunday 4 November 2018

Emoji Math

This is my Emoji math so I learnt a lot of things like 5 + 2 = 7 and 3 + 5 = 8.