
Thursday 5 July 2018


On trains you can sleep,
go toilet,
they give you food,
you can walk,
and you can play board games and there is comfy seats. 
Not good on trains:
you could get put in a room with strangers, you have to pay for tickets,
you get travel sick, 
if you're scared of heights you get travel sick when you go on bridges.


I thought I was never going to score a goal, But I did, and I was amazed what I did because it was the last second and we just bet then  by 3 and we had a BIG AS drink and when we where leaving we were going home, but instead we went to the WAREHOUSE and we go,t a candy and soft drink when I opened, my soft drink I got a surprise, because it splat all over me and when I got home I had a little nap time and when I got up, I played Wii when I came my Dad and my, sister Natalie they said 'Do you wanna play bowling or golf?' I said bowling instead of golf because I get angry and golf and I'm a PRO, at both I just got to a PRO at bowling so we played bowling, The END.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Shark wondering

The enormous, great white shark leaped out of the deep, cold, ocean.  It's fins are spiky, pointy, triangle, big and shining bright in the yellow sunlight.  He looks like he's enjoying  his snack. I think it's a man or boy shark.  I wonder what his got in his mouth?. His eyes are like small little caves.  His tale is small, thin and pointy. 

Spelling word art